
Journal Papers

  1. R. Maeda, K. Takayama and T. Taketomi:
    “Refinement of Hair Geometry by Strand Integration”,
    Computer Graphics Forum (PG2023), Vol. 42, No. 7, Oct. 2023. (project page, code, pdf file)
  2. Q. Gao and T. Taketomi:
    “Garment Model Extraction from Clothed Mannequin Scan”,
    Computer Graphics Forum, Vol. 42, No. 6, May 2023. (pdf file)
  3. X. Yang, T. Taketomi, and Y. Kanamori:
    “Makeup Extraction of 3D Representation via Illumination-Aware Image Decomposition”,
    Computer Graphics Forum (EG2023),  Vol. 42, No. 2, pp. 293-307, May 2023. (project page, code, pdf file)
  4. X. Yang and T. Taketomi:
    “BareSkinNet: De-makeup and De-lighting via 3D Face Reconstruction”,
    Computer Graphics Forum (PG2022), Vol. 41, No. 7, pp. 623-634, Oct. 2022. (pdf file)
  5. S. Kuriyama, T. Mukai, T. Taketomi, and T. Mukasa:
    “Context-based Style Transfer of Tokenized Gestures”,
    Computer Graphics Forum (SCA2022), Vol. 41, No. 8, pp. 305-315, Sep. 2022. (pdf file)
  6. V. Fuvattanasilp, Y. Fujimoto, A. Plopski, T. Taketomi, C. Sandor, M. Kanbara, and H. Kato:
    “SlidAR+: Gravity-Aware 3D Object Manipulation for Handheld Augmented Reality”,
    Computers and Graphics, Vol. 95, pp. 23-35, Apr. 2021. (pdf file)
  7. R. Akiyama, G. Yamamoto, T. Amano, T. Taketomi, A. Plopski, C. Sandor, and H. Kato:
    “Robust Reflectance Estimation for Projection-Based Appearance Control in a Dynamic Light Environment”,
    IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, Vol. 27, No. 3, pp. 2041-2055, Mar. 2021. (pdf file)
  8. H. Matsumura, T. Taketomi, and H. Kato:
    “Impact of Facial Contour Compensation on Self-Recognition in Face-Swapping Technology”,
    Multimedia Tools and Applications, Vol. 80, No. 5, pp. 7727-7748, Feb. 2021. (pdf file)
  9. R. Akiyama, G. Yamamoto, T. Amano, T. Taketomi, A. Plopski, Y. Fujimoto, M. Kanbara, C. Sandor, and H. Kato:
    “Illusory Light: Perceptual Appearance Control Using a Projection-Induced Illusion”,
    Computers and Graphics, Vol. 91, pp. 129-140, Oct. 2020. (pdf file)
  10. D. C. Rompapas, C. Sandor, A. Plopski, D. Saakes, J. Shin, T. Taketomi, and H. Kato:
    “Towards Large Scale High Fidelity Collaborative Augmented Reality”,
    Computers and Graphics, Vol. 84, pp. 24-41, Nov. 2019. (pdf file)
  11. O. Kaplan, G. Yamamoto, T. Taketomi, A. Plopski, C. Sandor, and H. Kato:
    “Exergame Experience of Young and Old Individuals Under Different Difficulty Adjustment Methods”,
    MDPI Journal of Computers, Vol. 7, No. 4, pp. 1-20, Nov. 2018. (pdf file)
  12. J. Polvi, T. Taketomi, A. Moteki, T. Yoshitake, T. Fukuoka, G. Yamamoto, C. Sandor, and H. Kato:
    “Handheld Guides in Inspection Tasks: Augmented Reality vs. Picture”,
    IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, Vol. 24, No. 7, pp. 2118-2128, Jul. 2018. (pdf file)
  13. M. Krichenbauer, G. Yamamoto, T. Taketomi, C. Sandor, and H. Kato:
    “Augmented Reality versus Virtual Reality for 3D Object Manipulation”,
    IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, Vol. 24, No. 2, pp. 1038-1048, Feb. 2018. (pdf file)
  14. D. C. Rompapas, A. Rovira, A. Plopski, C. Sandor, T. Taketomi, G. Yamamoto, H. Kato, and S. IKeda:
    “EyeAR: Refocusable Augmented Reality Content through Eye Measurements”,
    MDPI Journal of Multimodal Technologies and Interaction, Vol. 1, No. 4, pp. 1-18, Sep. 2017. (pdf file)
  15. Z. Asghar, N. Keränen, G. Yamamoto, T. Taketomi, C. Sandor, H. Kato, and P. Pulli:
    “Remote Assistance for Elderly to Find Hidden Objects in a Kitchen”,
    EAI Endorsed Transactions on Pervasive Health and Technology, Vol. 3, No. 12, pp. 1-7, Sep. 2017. (pdf file)
  16. G. Yamamoto, L. Sampaio, T. Taketomi, C. Sandor, H. Kato, and T. Kuroda:
    “Imperceptible On-Screen Markers for Mobile Interaction on Public Large Displays”,
    IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems, Vol. E100-D, No. 9, pp. 2027-2036, Sep. 2017. (pdf file)
  17. T. Taketomi, H. Uchiyama, and S. Ikeda:
    “Visual-SLAM Algorithms: a Survey from 2010 to 2016”,
    IPSJ Transactions on Computer Vision and Applications, Vol. 9, No. 1, pp. 1-11, Jun. 2017. (pdf file)
  18. M. Krichenbauer, G. Yamamoto, T. Taketomi, C. Sandor, H. Kato, and S. Feiner:
    “Evaluating the Effect of Positional Head-Tracking on Task Performance in 3D Modeling User Interfaces”,
    Computers and Graphics, Vol. 65, pp. 22-30, Jun. 2017. (pdf file)
  19. J. Hyry, M. Krichenbauer, G. Yamamoto, T. Taketomi, C. Sandor, H. Kato, and P. Pulli:
    “Design of Assistive Tabletop Projector-Camera System for the Elderly with Cognitive and Motor Skill Impairments”,
    ITE Transactions on Media Technology and Applications, Vol. 5, No. 2, pp. 57-66, Apr. 2017. (pdf file)
  20. J. Polvi, T. Taketomi, G. Yamamoto, A. Dey, C. Sandor, and H. Kato:
    “SlidAR: A 3D Positioning Method for SLAM-Based Handheld Augmented Reality”,
    Computers and Graphics, Vol. 55, pp. 33-43, Apr. 2016. (pdf filevideo)
  21. M. Santos, A. W.  Lübke, T. Taketomi, G. Yamamoto, M. Rodrigo, C. Sandor, and H. Kato:
    “Augmented Reality as Multimedia: The Case for Situated Vocabulary Learning”
    Research and Practice in Technology Enhanced Learning, Vol. 11, No. 1, pp. 1-23, Jan. 2016. (pdf file)
  22. M. Santos, I. S. Almeida, G. Yamamoto, T. Taketomi, C. Sandor, and H. Kato:
    “Exploring legibility of augmented reality X-ray”,
    Multimedia Tools and Applications, pp. 1-23, Oct. 2015. (pdf file)
  23. M. Santos, J. Polvi, T. Taketomi, G. Yamamoto, C. Sandor, and H. Kato:
    “Towards Standard Usability Questionnaires for Handheld Augmented Reality”,
    IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications, Vol. 35, No. 5, pp. 66-75, Sep. 2015. (pdf file)
  24. T. Kanatani, H. Kume, T. Taketomi, T. Sato, and N. Yokoya:
    “Removal of Moving Objects from Point Cloud Data for 3D Modeling of Outdoor Environments”,
    IIEEJ Transactions on Image Electronics and Visual Computing, Vol. 3, No. 1, pp. 54-62, Jun. 2015. (link)
  25. T. Taketomi, K. Okada, G. Yamamoto, J. Miyazaki, and H. Kato:
    “Camera Pose Estimation under Dynamic Intrinsic Parameter Change for Augmented Reality”,
    Computers and Graphics, Vol. 44, pp. 11-19, Jul. 2014. (pdf file)
  26. Y. Fujimoto, R. T. Smith, T. Taketomi, G. Yamamoto, J. Miyazaki, H. Kato, and B. Thomas:
    “Geometrically-correct projection-based texture mapping onto a deformable object”,
    IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, Vol. 20, No. 4, pp. 540-549, Mar. 2014. (pdf file)
  27. M. Santos, A. Chen, T. Taketomi, G. Yamamoto, J. Miyazaki, and H. Kato:
    “Augmented Reality Learning Experiences: Survey of Prototype Design and Evaluation”,
    IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies, Vol. 7, No. 1, pp. 38-56, Jan. 2014. (pdf file)
  28. A. Keyaki, J. Miyazaki, K. Hatano, G. Yamamoto, T. Taketomi, and H. Kato:
    “Fast Incremental Indexing with Effective and Efficient Searching in XML Element Retrieval”,
    International Journal of Web Information Systems (IJWIS), Vol. 9, No. 2, pp. 142-164, Jun. 2013. (pdf file)
  29. M. Oikawa, T. Taketomi, G. Yamamoto, M. Fujisawa, T. Amano, J. Miyazaki, and H. Kato
    “A Model-based Tracking Framework for Textureless 3D Rigid Curved Objects”,
    SBC Journal on 3D Interactive Systems, Vol.3, No. 2, pp. 2-15, Jan. 2013. (pdf file)
  30. T. Taketomi, T. Sato, and N. Yokoya:
    “Real-time and Accurate Extrinsic Camera Parameter Estimation using Feature Landmark Database for Augmented Reality”,
    Computers and Graphics, Vol. 35, No. 4, pp. 768-777, Aug. 2011. (pdf file)

International Conference Papers (reviewed)

  1. Q. Lu, X. Yang, and T. Taketomi:
    “BeautyBank: Encoding Facial Makeup in Latent Space”
    Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV), Feb. 2025. (accepted)
  2. X. Cao and T. Taketomi:
    “SuperNormal: Neural Surface Reconstruction via Multi-View Normal Integration”
    Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Conference (CVPR), Jun. 2024. (code, pdf file)
  3. X. Yang, T. Taketomi, Y. Endo, and Y. Kanamori:
    “Makeup Prior Models for 3D Facial Makeup Estimation and Applications”
    Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Conference (CVPR), Jun. 2024. (project page, code, pdf file)
  4. K. Shiohara, X. Yang, and T. Taketomi:
    “BlendFace: Re-designing Identity Encoders for Face-Swapping”,
    Proc. International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV), Oct. 2023. (project page, code, pdf file)
  5. Y. Li, H. Takehara, T. Taketomi, B. Zheng, and M. Nießner:
    “4DComplete: Non-Rigid Motion Estimation Beyond the Observable Surface”,
    Proc. International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV), Oct. 2021. (pdf filevideodataset)
  6. K. C. Pucihar, C. Sandor, M. Kljun, W. Hürst, A. Plopski, T. Taketomi, H. Kato, and L. A. Leiva:
    “The Missing Interface: Micro-Gestures on Augmented Objects”,
    Proc. Extended Abstracts of CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing System, pp. 1-6, Apr. 2019. (pdf file)
  7. O. Kaplan, G. Yamamoto, T. Taketomi, A. Plopski, and H. Kato:
    “Video-based Visualization of Knee Movement in Cycling for Quantitative and Qualitative Monitoring”,
    Proc. of Asia-Pacific Workshop on Mixed and Augmented Reality (APMAR2019), pp. 1-5, Mar. 2019. (pdf file)
  8. H. Nakamura, T. Sonobe, H. Toda, N. Fujisawa, T. Taketomi, A. Plopski, C. Sandor, and H. Kato:
    “Fusion of VSLAM/GNSS/INS for Augmented Reality Navigation in Ports”
    Proc. of Int. Technical Meeting of The Satellite Division of The Institute of Navigation (ION GNSS+ 2018), pp. 1765-1775, Sep. 2018.
  9. A. Plopski, V. Fuvattanasilp, J. Polvi, T. Taketomi, C. Sandor, and H. Kato:
    “Efficient In-Situ Creation of Augmented Reality Tutorials”,
    Proc. of Int. Workshop on Metrology for Industry 4.0 and IoT, pp. 1-4, Apr. 2018. (pdf file)
  10. T. Matsui, Q. Zhang, T. Taketomi, A. Plopski, C. Sandor, and H. Kato:
    “Generative Fence Obstacle Removal for Images with Color Consistency”,
    Asia-Pacific Workshop on Mixed and Augmented Reality (APMAR2018), Apr. 2018.
  11. N. Caluya, A. Plopski, J. Ty, C. Sandor,  T. Taketomi, and H. Kato:
    “Transferability of Spatial Maps: Augmented Versus Virtual Reality Training”,
    Proc. of IEEE Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces (IEEEVR2018), pp. 1-2, Mar. 2018. (pdf file)
  12. R. Akiyama, G. Yamamoto, T. Amano, T. Taketomi, A. Plopski, C. Sandor, and H. Kato:
    “Light Projection-Induced Illusion for Controlling Object Color”,
    Proc. of IEEE Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces (IEEEVR2018), pp. 1-2, Mar. 2018. (pdf file)
  13. O. Kaplan, G. Yamamoto, T. Taketomi, Y. Yoshitake, A. Plopski, C. Sandor, and H. Kato:
    “Towards Situated Knee Trajectory Visualization for Self Analysis in Cycling”,
    Proc. of IEEE Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces (IEEEVR2018), pp. 1-2, Mar. 2018. (pdf file)
  14. G. Lugtenberg, W. Hürst, N. Rosa, C. Sandor, A. Plopski, T. Taketomi, and H. Kato:
    “Multimodal Augmented Reality – Augmenting Auditory-Tactile Feedback to Change the Perception of Thickness”,
    Proc. Int. Conf. on Multimedia and Modeling (MMM2018), pp. 369-380, Feb. 2018. (pdf file)
  15. O. Kaplan, G. Yamamoto, T. Taketomi, Y. Yoshitake, A. Plopski, C. Sandor, and H. Kato:
    “Promoting Short-Term Gains in Physical Exercise Through Digital Media Creation”,
    Proc. of Int. Conf. on Advances in Computer Entertainment Technology (ACE2017), pp. 1-6, Dec. 2017. (pdf file)
  16.  T. Taketomi, Y. Yoshitake, G. Yamamoto, C. Sandor, and H. Kato:
    “3D Ground Reaction Force Visualization onto Training Video for Sprint Training Support System”,
    Proc. of Int. Conf. on Artificial Reality and Telexistence and Eurographics Symposium on Virtual Environments (ICAT-EGVE2017), pp. 25-26, Nov. 2017. (pdf file)
  17. H. Matsumura, H. Watanabe, T. C. Chen, T. Taketomi, Y. Yoshitake, A. Plopski, C. Sandor, and H. Kato:
    “Can Face Swapping Technology Facilitate Mental Imagery Training?”,
    Proc. of Int. Conf. on Artificial Reality and Telexistence and Eurographics Symposium on Virtual Environments (ICAT-EGVE2017), pp. 7-8, Nov. 2017. (pdf file)
  18. R. Ichikari, T. Kurata, K. Makita, T. Taketomi, H. Uchiyama, T. Kondo, S. Mori, and F. Shibata:
    “Reference Framework on vSRT-method Benchmarking for MAR”,
    Proc. of Int. Conf. on Artificial Reality and Telexistence and Eurographics Symposium on Virtual Environments (ICAT-EGVE2017), pp. 229-236, Nov. 2017. (pdf file)
  19. Q. Zhang, T. Taketomi, A. Plopski, C. Sandor, and H. Kato:
    “Analysis of Depth Map Restoration via Regularization in Curvelet Domain”,
    Asia-Pacific Workshop on Mixed and Augmented Reality (APMAR2017), Jul. 2017.
  20. R. Akiyama, A. Plopski, T. Taketomi, C. Sandor, H. Kato, and D. Saakes:
    “Applications of IoT and AR Combination”,
    Asia-Pacific Workshop on Mixed and Augmented Reality (APMAR2017), Jul. 2017.
  21. S. Pathirathna, C. Sandor, T. Taketomi, A. Plopski, and H. Kato:
    “Video Guides on Head-Mounted Displays: The Effect of Misalignments on Manual Task Performance”,
    Proc. of Int. Conf. on Artificial Reality and Telexistence and Eurographics Symposium on Virtual Environments (ICAT-EGVE2016), pp. 9-10, Dec. 2016. (pdf file) (Best Poster Award)
  22. T. Taketomi, V. Fuvattanasilp, A. Plopski, C. Sandor, and H. Kato:
    “3D Contents Arrangement in Handheld Augmented Reality Application Based on Gravity Vector”,
    Proc. of the First International Workshop on Mixed and Augmented Reality Innovations (MARI2016), pp. 1-2, Nov. 2016.
  23. A. Plopski, A. W.  Lübke, W. Kashima, T. Taketomi, C. Sandor, and H. Kato:
    “Eye-Gaze Tracking in Near-Eye Head-Mounted Displays”,
    Proc. of the First International Workshop on Mixed and Augmented Reality Innovations (MARI2016), pp. 1-4, Nov. 2016.
  24. G. Lugtenberg, C. Sandor, W. Hürst, A. Plopski, T. Taketomi, H. Kato:
    “Changing Perception of Physical Properties Using Multimodal Augmented Reality”,
    Proc. of the 2016 workshop on Multimodal Virtual and Augmented Reality (MVAR2016), pp. 1-4, Nov. 2016.
  25. M. Santos, D. C. Rompapas, Y. Nishiki, T. Taketomi, G. Yamamoto, C. Sandor, and H. Kato:
    “The COMPASS Framework for Digital Entertainment: Discussing Augmented Reality Activities for Scouts”,
    Proc. of Int. Conf. on Advances in Computer Entertainment Technology (ACE2016), pp. 1-6, Nov. 2016.
  26. O. Kaplan, G. Yamamoto, Y. Yoshitake, T. Taketomi, C. Sandor, and H. Kato:
    “In-Situ Visualization of Pedaling Forces on Cycling Training Videos”,
    Proc. Int. Conf. on System, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC2016), pp. 1-6, Oct. 2016.
  27. M. Krichenbauer, G. Yamamoto, T. Taketomi, C. Sandor, H. Kato, and S. Feiner:
    “Evaluating Positional Head-Tracking in Immersive VR for 3D Designers”,
    Proc. Int. Symp. on Mixed Augmented Reality (ISMAR2016), Sep. 2016.
  28. A. Rovira, D. C. Rompapas, C. Sandor, T. Taketomi, H. Kato, and S. IKeda:
    “EyeAR: Empiric Evaluation of a Refocusable Augmented Reality System”,
    Proc. Int. Symp. on Mixed Augmented Reality (ISMAR2016), Sep. 2016.
  29. Z. Asghar, G. Yamamoto, T. Taketomi, C. Sandor, H. Kato, P. Pulli:
    “Remote Assistance for Elderly to Find Hidden Objects in a Kitchen”,
    Proc. EAI Int. Conf. on IoT and Big Data Technologies for HealthCare 2016 (IoTCare2016), pp. 1-6, Jun. 2016.
  30. K. Oshima, K. Moser, D. C. Rompapas, E. Swan, S. Ikeda, G. Yamamoto, T. Taketomi, C. Sandor, and H. Kato:
    “Improved Clarity of Defocussed Content on Optical See-Through Head-Mounted Displays”,
    Proc. Int. Symp. on 3D User Interfaces (3DUI2016), pp. 173-181, Mar. 2016. (pdf file)
  31. U. Eck, L. Hoang, C. Sandor, G. Yamamoto, T. Taketomi, H. Kato, H. Laga:
    “Exploring the Perception of Co-Location Errors during Tool Interaction in Visuo-Haptic Augmented Reality”,
    Proc. IEEE Virtual Reality (IEEEVR2016), pp. 171-172, Mar. 2016.
  32. K. Oshima, K. Moser, R. D. Constantine, E. Swan, S. Ikeda, G. Yamamoto, T. Taketomi, C. Sandor, and H. Kato:
    “Improved Clarity of Defocussed Content on Optical See-Through Head-Mounted Displays”,
    Proc. IEEE Virtual Reality (IEEEVR2016), pp. 253-254, Mar. 2016. (pdf file)
  33. R. Akiyama, G. Yamamoto, T. Amano, T. Taketomi, C. Sandor, and H. Kato:
    “Appearance Control in Dynamic Light Environments with a Projector-Camera System”,
    USB Proc. IEEE VR Workshop on Perceptual and Cognitive Issues in AR (PERCAR2016), Mar. 2016. (pdf file)
  34. M. Santos, J. Polvi, T. Taketomi, G. Yamamoto, C. Sandor, and H. Kato:
    “On Usability Analytics and Beyond with Human-Centered Data Science”
    Workshop Proc. 1st Int. Workshop on Developing a Research Agenda for Human-Centered Data Science at CSCW’16, pp. 1-4, Feb. 2016. (pdf file)
  35. M. Santos, T. Taketomi, G. Yamamoto, M. Rodrigo, C. Sandor, and H. Kato:
    “Toward Guidelines for Designing Handheld Augmented Reality in Learning Support”
    Workshop Proc. APSCE 23rd Int. Conf. on Computers in Education, pp. 1-6, Nov. 2015.
  36. Y. Fujimoto, G. Yamamoto, T. Taketomi, C. Sandor, and H. Kato:
    “Pseudo Printed Fabrics through Projection Mapping”
    Proc. Int. Symp. on Mixed Augmented Reality (ISMAR2015), pp. 174-175, Sep. 2015.
  37. H. Uchiyama, T. Taketomi, S. Ikeda, and J. Lima:
    “Abecedary Tracking and Mapping: a Toolkit for Tracking Competitions”
    Proc. Int. Symp. on Mixed Augmented Reality (ISMAR2015), pp. 198-199, Sep. 2015.
  38. M. Santos, T. Taketomi, G. Yamamoto, G. Klinker, C. Sandor, and H. Kato:
    “Towards Estimating Usability Ratings of Handheld Augmented Reality Using Accelerometer Data”
    Proc. Int. Symp. on Mixed Augmented Reality (ISMAR2015), pp. 196-197, Sep. 2015.
  39. T. Taketomi and J. Heikkilä:
    “Focal Length Change Compensation for Monocular SLAM”
    Proc. Int. Conf. on Image Processing (ICIP2015), pp. 1-5, Sep. 2015.
  40. T. Taketomi and J. Heikkilä:
    “Zoom Factor Compensation for Monocular SLAM”
    Proc. IEEE Virtual Reality (IEEEVR2015), pp. 293-294, Mar. 2015.
  41. M. Santos, A. W.  Lübke, T. Taketomi, G. Yamamoto, M. Rodrigo, C. Sandor, and H. Kato:
    “Evaluating Augmented Reality for Situated Vocabulary Learning”
    Proc. Int. Conf. on Computers in Education (ICCE2014), pp. 701-710, Nov. 2014. (pdf file)
  42. M. Santos, J. Ty, M. Rodrigo, T. Taketomi, G. Yamamoto, C. Sandor, and H. Kato:
    “Authoring Augmented Reality as Situated Multimedia”
    Proc. Int. Conf. on Computers in Education (ICCE2014), pp. 554-556, Nov. 2014. (pdf file)
  43. M. Santos, J. Polvi, T. Taketomi, G. Yamamoto, M. Rodrigo, C. Sandor, and H. Kato:
    “A Usability Scale for Handheld Augmented Reality”
    Proc. ACM Symp. on Virtual Reality Software and Technology (VRST2014), pp. 167-176, Nov. 2014. (pdf file)
  44. J. Polvi, T. Taketomi, G. Yamamoto, M. Billinghurst, C. Sandor, and H. Kato:
    “Evaluating a SLAM-based Handheld Augmented Reality Guidance System”
    Proc. ACM Symp. on Spatial User Interaction (SUI2014), p. 147, Oct. 2014.
  45. M. Krichenbauer, G. Yamamoto, T. Taketomi, C. Sandor, and H. Kato:
    “Towards Augmented Reality User Interfaces in 3D Media Production”,
    Proc. Int. Symp. on Mixed Augmented Reality (ISMAR2014), pp. 23-28, Sep. 2014. (pdf file)
  46. G. Yamamoto, Z. Asghar, Y. Uranishi, T. Taketomi, C. Sandor, T. Kuroda, P. Pulli, and H. Kato:
    “Grid-pattern Indicating Interface for Ambient Assisted Living”,
    Proc. Int. Conf. on Disability, Virtual Reality and Associated Technologies (ICDVRAT 2014), pp. 405-408, Sep. 2014. (Best Short Paper Award – Runner Up)
  47. T. Kanatani, H. Kume, T. Taketomi, T. Sato, and N. Yokoya:
    “Detection of Moving Objects from Point Cloud Data Using Photometric Consistency and Prior Knowledge of Road Environment”,
    Proc. Int. Conf. on Instrumentation, Control and Information Technology (SICE Annual Conference 2014), pp. 341-346, Sep. 2014.
  48. T. Taketomi, A. Chen, G. Yamamoto, and H. Kato:
    “Support of Temporal Change Observation Using Augmented Reality for Learning”,
    Proc. Conf. on Human-Computer Interaction International (HCII2014), Vol. 8526, pp. 144-155, Jun. 2014. (pdf file)
  49. G. Yamamoto, A. W. Lübke, T. Taketomi, and H. Kato:
    “A see-through vision with handheld augmented reality for sightseeing”,
    Proc. Conf. on Human-Computer Interaction International (HCII2014), Vol. 8530, pp. 392-399, Jun. 2014. (pdf file)
  50. T. Taketomi, K. Okada, G. Yamamoto, J. Miyazaki, and H. Kato:
    “Geometric Registration for Zoomable Camera Using Epipolar Constraint and Pre-calibrated Intrinsic Camera Parameter Change”,
    Proc. Int. Symp. on Mixed Augmented Reality (ISMAR2013), pp. 295-296, Sep. 2013. (pdf file)
  51. T. Kanatani, H. Kume, T. Taketomi, T. Sato, and N. Yokoya:
    “Detection of 3D Points on Moving Objects from Point Cloud Data for 3D Modeling of Outdoor Environments”,
    Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. on Image Processing (ICIP2013), pp. 2163-2167, Sep. 2013. (pdf file)
  52. A. Keyaki, J. Miyazaki, K. Hatano, G. Yamamoto, T. Taketomi, and H. Kato:
    “A Path expression-Based Smoothing of Query Likelihood Model for XML Element Retrieval”,
    Proc. ACIS Int. Symp. on Applied Computing & Information Technology (ACIT2013), pp. 296-300, Sep. 2013.
  53. M. Santos, A. Chen, M. Terawaki, T. Taketomi, G. Yamamoto, J. Miyazaki, and H. Kato:
    “Augmented Reality X-ray Interaction in K-12 Education”,
    Proc. IEEE Conf. on Advanced Learning Technologies (ICALT2013), pp. 141-145, Jul. 2013.
  54. M. Santos, G. Yamamoto, T. Taketomi, J. Miyazaki, and H. Kato:
    “Authoring Augmented Reality Learning Experiences as Learning Objects”,
    Proc. IEEE Conf. on Advanced Learning Technologies (ICALT2013) Doctoral Consortium, pp. 506-507, Jul. 2013. (pdf file)
  55. A. Keyaki, J. Miyazaki, K. Hatano, G. Yamamoto, T. Taketomi, and H. Kato:
    “XML Element Retrieval@1CLICK-2”,
    Proc. NTCIR Conference (NTCIR-10), Jun. 2013.
  56. M. Santos, M. Terawaki, T. Taketomi, G. Yamamoto, J. Miyazaki, H. Kato:
    “Towards Participatory Design for Contextual Visualization in Education Using Augmented Reality X-ray”,
    Proc. Augmented Human International Conference (AH2013), p. 241, Mar. 2013. (pdf file)
  57. A. Keyaki, J. Miyazaki, K. Hatano, G. Yamamoto, T. Taketomi, and H. Kato:
    “Fast and Incremental Indexing in Effective and Efficient XML Element Retrieval Systems”,
    Proc. 14th Int. Conf. on Information Integration and Web-based Applications & Services (iiWAS2012), pp. 157-166, Dec. 2012. (pdf file)
  58. K. Kumagai, M. Oikawa, T. Taketomi, G. Yamamoto, J. Miyazaki, and H. Kato:
    “Robust model-based tracking considering changes in the measurable DoF of the target object”,
    Proc. 21st IAPR Int. Conf. on Pattern Recognition (ICPR2012), pp.2157-2160, Nov. 2012. (pdf file)
  59. T. Aoto, T. Taketomi, T. Sato, Y. Mukaigawa, and N. Yokoya:
    “Position Estimation of Near Point Light Sources using Clear Hollow Sphere”,
    Proc. 21st IAPR Int. Conf. on Pattern Recognition (ICPR2012), pp. 3721-3724, Nov. 2012. (pdf file)
  60. M. Oikawa, I. Almeida, T. Taketomi, G. Yamamoto, J. Miyazaki, and H. Kato:
    “Augmented Prototyping of 3D Rigid Curved Surfaces”,
    Proc. Int. Symp. on Mixed Augmented Reality (ISMAR2012), pp. 307-308, Nov. 2012. (pdf file)
  61. Y. Fujimoto, G. Yamamoto, T. Taketomi, J. Miyazaki, and H. Kato:
    “Relation between Features of Augmented Reality and User Memorization”,
    Proc. Int. Symp. on Mixed Augmented Reality (ISMAR2012), pp. 279-280, Nov. 2012. (pdf file)
  62. D. Uriu, N. Okude, M. Inami, T. Taketomi, and C. Sato:
    “Where Buddhism Encounters Entertainment Computing”,
    Proc. Advances in Computer Entertainment Conference (ACE2012), pp. 589-592, Nov. 2012. (pdf file)
  63. T. Cheng-Tse, G. Lugtenberg, G. Yamamoto, T. Taketomi, J. Miyazaki, and H. Kato:
    “Augmented Reality Agent as Desktop Assistant”,
    Proc. 1st Int. Symp. on Socially and Technically Symbiotic System (STSS2012), 08-1, Aug. 2012.
  64. M. Oikawa, T. Taketomi, G. Yamamoto, M. Fujisawa, T. Amano, J. Miyazaki, and H. Kato:
    “Local quadrics surface approximation for real-time tracking of textureless 3D rigid curved objects”,
    Proc. XIV Symp. on Virtual and Augmented Reality (SVR2012), May 2012. (pdf file) (Best paper award)
  65. T. Taketomi, T. Sato, and N. Yokoya:
    “AR Cultural Heritage Reconstruction Based on Feature Landmark Database Constructed by Using Omnidirectional Range Sensor”,
    Computer Vision – ACCV 2010 Workshops, pp. 265-275, Nov. 2010. (pdf file)
  66. H. Kume, T. Taketomi, T. Sato, and N. Yokoya:
    “Extrinsic camera parameter estimation using video images and GPS considering GPS positioning accuracy”,
    Proc. 20th IAPR Int. Conf. on Pattern Recognition (ICPR2010), pp. 3923-3926, Aug. 2010. (pdf file)
  67. W. Toishita, Y. Momoda, R. Tenmoku, F. Shibata, H. Tamura, T. Taketomi, T. Sato, and N. Yokoya:
    “A novel approach to on-site camera calibration and tracking for MR pre-visualization procedure”,
    Proc. Human-Computer Interaction International (HCII2009), pp. 492-502, Jul. 2009. (pdf file)
  68. T. Taketomi, T. Sato, and N. Yokoya:
    “Real-time geometric registration using feature landmark database for augmented reality applications”,
    Proc. SPIE Electronic Imaging, Vol. 7238, Jan. 2009. (pdf file)
  69. T. Taketomi, T. Sato, and N. Yokoya:
    “Real-time camera position and posture estimation using a feature landmark database with priorities”,
    CD-ROM Proc. 19th IAPR Int. Conf. on Pattern Recognition (ICPR2008), Dec. 2008. (pdf file)
  70. S. Ikeda, T. Taketomi, B. Okumura, T. Sato, M. Kanbara, N. Yokoya, and K. Chihara:
    “Real-time outdoor pre-visualization method for videographers -real-time geometric registration using point-based model-“,
    CD-ROM Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. on Multimedia and Expo (ICME2008), pp. 949-952, Jun. 2008. (pdf file)

International Conference Papers (without review)

  1. S. Ikeda, H. Uchiyama, T. Taketomi, F. Shibata, and I. Kitahara:
    “Tracking Competition as an Evaluation Methodology or AR-oriented Visual SLAM Systems”,
    ISMAR 2016 Workshop on Standards for Mixed and Augmented Reality, Sep. 2016.
  2. T. Kurata, K. Makita, T. Taketomi, H. Uchiyama, S. Mori, T. Kondo, and F. Shibata:
    “Benchmarking of vision-based registration and tracking for MAR”,
    ISMAR 2016 Workshop on Standards for Mixed and Augmented Reality, Sep. 2016.
  3. A. W.  Lübke, T. Taketomi, G. Yamamoto, C. Sandor, and H. Kato:
    “Towards Photorealistic Rendering using Pre-Captured HDR Environmental Images for Outdoor Handheld Augmented Reality”,
    USB Proc. The Asia-Pacific Workshop on Mixed Reality (APMR2016), Apr. 2016.
  4. R. Miyazaki, T. Taketomi, G. Yamamoto, C. Sandor, and H. Kato:
    “Quantitative Performance Evaluation of Visual-SLAM Algorithms”,
    USB Proc. The 8th Korea-Japan Workshop on Mixed Reality (KJMR2015), Apr. 2015.
  5. J. Polvi, T. Taketomi, G. Yamamoto, M. Billinghurst, C. Sandor, and H. Kato:
    “Evaluating the Use of Handheld Augmented Reality Authoring and Guidance in Unknown Environments”,
    USB Proc. The 7th Korea-Japan Workshop on Mixed Reality (KJMR2014), Apr. 2014.
  6. M. Krichenbauer, G. Yamamoto, T. Taketomi, and H. Kato:
    “MARUI — A novel AR user interface for high-level 3D design”,
    USB Proc. The 7th Korea-Japan Workshop on Mixed Reality (KJMR2014), Apr. 2014.
  7. K. Okada, T. Taketomi, G. Yamamoto, J. Miyazaki, and H. Kato:
    “Intrinsic and Extrinsic Camera Parameter Estimation with Zoomable Camera for Augmented Reality”,
    USB Proc. The 6th Korea-Japan Workshop on Mixed Reality (KJMR2013), Apr. 2013.
  8. Y. Fujimoto, T. Yamada, T. Taketomi, G. Yamamoto, J. Miyazaki, and H. Kato:
    “Construction of a Projection-based Augmented Reality System based on Shape Measurement using Flexible Marker for Design Support”,
    USB Proc. The 6th Korea-Japan Workshop on Mixed Reality (KJMR2013), Apr. 2013.
  9. M. Santos, A. Chen, T. Taketomi, G. Yamamoto, J. Miyazaki, and H. Kato:
    “Inherent Advantages of Augmented Reality for K-12 Education”,
    USB Proc. The 6th Korea-Japan Workshop on Mixed Reality (KJMR2013), Apr. 2013.
  10. A. Chen, M. Santos, T. Taketomi, G. Yamamoto, J. Miyazaki, and H. Kato:
    “An Augmented Reality Application Supporting Observation in Experiential Learning Theory”,
    USB Proc. The 6th Korea-Japan Workshop on Mixed Reality (KJMR2013), Apr. 2013.
  11. T. Taketomi, K. Makita, T. Sato, and N. Yokoya:
    “Cultural heritage tourism with augmented reality”,
    Proc. 3rd Korea-Japan Workshop on Mixed Reality (KJMR2010), pp. 13-23, Apr. 2010. (pdf file)
  12. T. Taketomi, T. Sato, S. Ikeda, and N. Yokoya:
    “Real-time geometric registration of real and virtual worlds using a feature landmark database with priorities”,
    Proc. Int. Workshop on Ubiquitous Virtual Reality, Jan. 2008. (pdf file)


  1. R. Akiyama, G. Yamamoto, T. Amano, T. Taketomi, A. Plopski, C. Sandor, and H. Kato:
    “Perceptual Appearance Control by Projection-Induces Illusion”,
    Proc. of IEEE Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces (IEEEVR2019), pp. 1-2, Mar. 2019.
  2. D. C. Rompapas, A. Rovira, S. Ikeda, A. Plopski, T. Taketomi, C. Sandor, and H. Kato:
    “EyeAR: Refocusable Augmented Reality Content through Eye Measurements”,
    Int. Symp. on Mixed Augmented Reality (ISMAR2016), Demonstration, Sep. 2016. (Best Demo Award)
  3. J. Polvi, T. Taketomi, G. Yamamoto, C. Sandor, and H. Kato:
    “SlidAR: A 3D Positioning Technique for Handheld Augmented Reality”,
    Int. Symp. on Mixed Augmented Reality (ISMAR2015), Demonstration, Sep. 2015.
  4. D. C. Rompapas, K. Oshima, S. Ikeda, G. Yamamoto, T. Taketomi, C. Sandor, and H. Kato:
    “EyeAR: Physically-Based Depth of Field through Eye Measurements”,
    Int. Symp. on Mixed Augmented Reality (ISMAR2015), Demonstration, Sep. 2015.
  5. K. Oshima, D. C. Rompapas, K. Moser, E. Swan, S. Ikeda, G. Yamamoto, T. Taketomi, C. Sandor, and H. Kato:
    “SharpView: Improved Legibility of Defocussed Content on Optical See-Through Head-Mounted Displays”,
    Int. Symp. on Mixed Augmented Reality (ISMAR2015), Demonstration, Sep. 2015.
  6. Y. Wang, H. Duh, H. Kato, and T. Taketomi:
    “DroneAR: Augmented Reality Supported Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) in Agriculture for Farmer Perspective”,
    Int. Symp. on Mixed Augmented Reality (ISMAR2015), Demonstration, Sep. 2015.
  7. G. Yamamoto, L. Sampaio, T. Taketomi, C. Sandor, andH. Kato:
    “Imperceptible On-Screen Markers for Arbitrary Background Images”,
    Int. Symp. on Mixed Augmented Reality (ISMAR2015), Demonstration, Sep. 2015.
  8. D. C. Rompapas, N. Sorokin, A. W.  Lübke, T. Taketomi, G. Yamamoto, C. Sandor, and H. Kato:
    “Dynamic Augmented Reality X-Ray on Google Glass”,
    SIGGRAPH ASIA 2014 Symp. on Mobile Graphics and Interactive Applications, Dec. 2014.
  9. M. Krichenbauer, G. Yamamoto, T. Taketomi, C. Sandor, and H. Kato:
    “Towards Augmented Reality User Interfaces in 3D Media Production”,
    Int. Symp. on Mixed Augmented Reality (ISMAR2014), Demonstration, Sep. 2014.
  10. Y. Fujimoto, T. Taketomi, G. Yamamoto, J. Miyazaki, H. Kato, R. Smith, and B. Thomas:
    “Geometrically-correct projection-based texture mapping onto a cloth”,
    Int. Conf. on IEEE Virtual Reality (VR2014), Mar. 2014.
  11. Y. Fujimoto, T. Taketomi, G. Yamamoto, J. Miyazaki, H. Kato, R. Smith, and B. Thomas:
    “Geometrically-correct projection-based texture mapping onto a deformable object”,
    Int. Symp. on Mixed and Augmented Reality (ISMAR2013), Demonstration, Sep. 2013.
  12. M. Fujisawa, T. Amano, T. Taketomi, G. Yamamoto, Y. Uranishi, and J. Miyazaki:
    “Interactive Photomosaic System Using GPU”,
    Proc. ACM Multimedia 2012 (MM2012), Technical Demo, pp.1297-1298, Nov. 2012.
  13. T. Taketomi, B. Okumura, S. Ikeda, T. Sato, M. Kanbara, and N. Yokoya:
    “Geometric registration using feature landmark database”,
    IEEE and ACM Int. Symp. on Mixed and Augmented Reality (ISMAR2007), Demonstration, Nov. 2007.

Book Chapter

  1. T. Taketomi, “Image-Based Geometric Registration for Zoomable Cameras Using Precalibrated Information”, In W. Barfield (eds.): Fundamentals of Wearable Computers and Augmented Reality, Second Edition, CRC Press, ISBN 978-1-482-24350-5, 2015. (link)
  2. M. Santos, M. Terawaki, T. Taketomi, G. Yamamoto, H. Kato, “Development of Handheld Augmented Reality X-Ray for K-12 Settings”, In M. Chang and Y. Li (eds.): Smart Learning Environments, Lecture Notes in Educational Technology, Vol. 12, pp. 199-220, Springer, ISBN 978-3-662-44447-4, 2015.